England captain Tom Hildreth and India Captain Sahil Tiwari
The Englnad team line up for a match in the series
Becca started with Easi-RockIts and later trasnferred to York. She later became Youth World Champion
World Cup 2019
Ian Crosby - CEO. Here he's in action at the Scouts' Gilwell24 event. You can contact him on ian@vxengland.org
Pete Gonsalvez. In the middle photo he's at the Durham and Chester le Street 2017 Mini Olympics waiting to run a VX session. Pete also runs VX North East. Pete is on pete@vxnortheast.org
Leah Drake - Events Officer. In the photo she is in action at an England training session. Leah has been playing since she was 7! Leah's email is Leah@VXEngland.org
Phil Sheridan is the inspirational patron of VX England. Phil loves VX because 'it is so accessible to people with a wide-range of physical and cognitive impairments
Creative Software Limited have always been supportive of VX and we are delighted to have them on-board as sponsors
VX International are the official partners of Global VX and supply all VX equipment
NCL Services are an accountancy firm based in York and we are very grateful for their ongoing support. They also sponsor the England VX Squad